Christopher Hitchens has a new book, God Is Not Great, in which he argues that all three of the major religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) have been and are responsible for tonnes of evil. In many respects, I fear, he is correct. Here are some quotes from a recent item in The National Post [sorry, no link]:
In the Harry Potteresque Great Hall at the University of Toronto this week, two security men were poised for a confrontation, and with good reason.These views seem to be a logical of extension of Hitchens' criticism of Mother Teresa for being ineffective in reducing poverty, The Missionary Position.
Christopher Hitchens was explaining why he hates religion: Islam, because it exhibits a “horrible trio of self-hatred, self-righteousness and self-pity” while making a “cult of death, suicide and murder,” and Judaism, because it leads to Christianity. “I am absolutely convinced that the main source of hatred in the world is religion,” the famously contrarian journalist and author told an appreciative crowd of undergraduates gathered to hear him explain why freedom of speech should include the freedom to hate.
“Look anywhere you like, to slavery, to the subjugation of women as chattel, to the burning and flogging of homosexuals, to ethnic cleansing, to anti-Semitism, for all of this look no further than a famous book that is on every pulpit in this city, and in every synagogue and every mosque. And then you’ll see whether you can square this circle: that the force that is the main source of hatred is also the main caller for censorship,” he said.
[h/t to Jack and to Dave Friedman]