Analogous to the (in)famous RateMyProf website, there is a site on which people rate their physicians. I love it. Here is the link for US doctors. Here is the link for Canuck Docs.
Some observations:
- With a few notable exceptions like this one, nearly all physicians get high marks for everything except punctuality.
- I would be surprised if the punctuality ratings in the U.S. were worse than the ones in Canada, where we have more shortages and more rationing due to our universal health
queueinsurance programme. (a testable hypothesis for someone in health economics). - For the physicians I know, the ratings all seem just a tad high, but the comparative scores, or rankings, seem about right.
- Many of the ratings seem to be a measure of "bed-side manner" — as the old saying goes, "Sincerity is everything. If you can fake that, you've got it made."