At the beginning of August, I received my notice and forms from the Province of Ontario for renewing the licence plate tags for my car [licence plate: T1 TA3]. That is three months early! My birthday is in October, meaning I don't have to renew the licence plate tags for nearly three months. In the past, I have received these forms sometime in September, but this year I received the materials a month earlier than that.
There can be only one explanation.
The Province of Ontario needs the money and hopes that some poor schmucks will actually pay up three months in advance, thus lending the province $75 interest-free for three months. It's not much, but if it works with even 10% of all car owners, it could save the provincial gubmnt a bunch of money.
Me? I refuse to lend them the money interest-free. So I'll put the material away somewhere in a safe place and hope I can find it and don't forget it in October.