Regular readers of EclectEcon will know that I have a thing for lapsang souchong tea, which I have described as "The LaPhroaig of Teas" because of its peaty, smoky flavour and aroma. It seems I am not the only person who really likes lapsang souchong tea. From Roger Ebert's blog at the Sun-Times [h/t Smitty]:
... I walked down Regent to St. James' Park, strolled around the ponds, came up by Prince Charles' residence, climbed St. James Street and returned the full length of Jermyn. I ordered tea. It consisted of tomato, cucumber and butter sandwiches, which the English are unreasonably fond of; ham and butter sandwiches, which I am unreasonably fond of with Colman's English mustard; and cookies -- or, excuse me, biscuits. The tea again was freshly brewed. I never saw a tea bag on the premises. I'd ordered as always Lapsang Souchong, which has the aroma of a freshly-tarred road at 100 yards. I find this aroma indescribably stirring. When I smell it I am walking through the twilight in Cape Town to visit my friend Brigid Erin Bates. [emphasis added]
I think my description is better.