Last month while in Salzburg, I spent an afternoon wandering around on Kapuzinerberg, a small near-mountain on the north side of the river, across from the Fortress. It felt like a mountain while I was walking up the trail, but when I looked at it later, from Untersberg, I realized it is more like a really big hill. There is an active monastery on the hill, and there are shrines all along the main path.
I was mildly amused, as I walked up the hill, to see this, a US mailbox:
As I was taking the photo, a young man emerged from the property and explained to me that this was the former villa of Stefan Zweig, a Jewish poet and author who fled Austria when the Nazis came to power in 1934 and who lived in the United States briefly. I doubt that there is any connection between his having lived in the US in the early 1940s and a new US mailbox, but the coincidence intrigued me nevertheless.
Up a little higher, nearer the monastery, there is a tribute to Zweig, a plaque and a bust:
For more on Zweig, just google him. Or start here.