because, "We know where you live."
The following is from the website of former colleague, Ross McKitrick, in the economics department at The University of Guelph [with his permission]. You might need an additional download to watch the "snuff" video in which young students, employees, and footballers are blown up for doubting whether they would like to go along with the majority.
Ross writes:
I anticipated that the people who made this movie ["No Pressure", a 4-minute video] would soon try to withdraw it from circulation once people saw it and the reactions began to mount. This has begun, and the movie got yanked from the 1010 YouTube site. The above link should work, but if not I downloaded a copy last night and you can get it by clicking HERE.
I find this film quite disturbing. The people who made this barbaric propaganda are not outlaws or extremist terrorists, they are government-funded, celebrity-endorsed professionals expressing a point of view they consider to be the respectable mainstream of social opinion.
Leave aside the fact that they miss the whole concept of targeting measures on the variables of actual interest (in this case CO2 emissions) rather than piling on indirect measures, or that the idea of equating marginal abatement costs to marginal damages is, to say the least, nowhere to be found. The really appalling thing is the celebration of violence and intimidation to enforce total conformity with one particular view of the environment. Who knows how many people in the story put up their hands out of peer pressure, because they were afraid of asking questions. It turns out they had good reason to be afraid. The victims in this film were the ones who thought for themselves and spoke their minds. In this environmental group's fantasy, the punishment for that will be swift and brutal every time.
If, by the end of your time here at Guelph, you have gained some determination to think for yourself and not to be intimidated, even when everyone around you is marching in lockstep behind the cause du jour, then your education will have served a good purpose.