I have quite a bit of joint pain at times, and sometimes I don't sleep so well. These symptoms are to be expected in my demographic cohort. But now there is hope for relief:
A team of Montreal researchers has lent scientific credibility to the view that smoking marijuana can ease chronic neuropathic pain and help patients sleep better....
The study, published Monday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, found that pain intensity among patients decreased with higher-potency marijuana. It is one of a handful of scientific attempts to determine the medicinal benefits of the drug.
I keep telling my family physician that I need a prescription for marijuana because of my arthritis. I am told there are walk-in clinics in some areas of California where one can both obtain such a prescription and have it filled at the same time. I eagerly await their spread to Canada.
But I'm a novice. I would really rather not smoke the drug. Is it possible to obtain the same therapeutic effects if I ingest the product with cookies or brownies instead of smoking it?