I live in the Southwestern portion of the Province of Ontario, Canada. This geographic region has never been a recognized distinct political entity. But it should be, and it should receive aid from everyone else in the world as we continue our struggle for independence and recognition.
Early in the history of this region there were warring tribes, including the Neutrals, the Huron, the Chippewa (Ojibwa?), et al. Later, as other tribes fled the invasions of white settlers, they, too settled in the area, and these newcomers fought murderous wars with the earlier tribes. Then as the British settled the area, there were new various local settlements, all under the rubric of "Upper Canada".
But we never had our own, distinct government in Southwestern Ontario.
Then, as Quebec passed its onerous language and signage laws, many Anglophones moved to Ontario, especially southwestern Ontario. The influx of people to southwestern Ontario means that we are now a people.
We are not just Ontarians; we have a special identity and we have needs that differ from those in other parts of Ontario specifically and North America in general. We have never been fully assimilated into the rest of Ontario. We are a unique people, and we deserve support and recognition as such.
To that end, I propose the creation of an organization: The Ontario Liberation Authority. The OLA must continue the struggle for our own nationhood and freedom from the rest of Ontario and Canada.