I had a minor role in this. So minor, in fact, that I don't appear in this trailer:
Who really won the war of 1812? I was taught as a kid, growing up in the US, that the US won the war. Then when I moved to Canada, I was told that Canada (aka the Brits) won the war. From everything I've read, one thing emerged:
Much of the anatagonism between the the US and the Brits was that the Brits turned a blind eye to the Indians use of Canada as a haven from which they launched repeated attacks, and the US was trying to expand into the Northwest Territories (now the midwestern US). One important outcome of the war was that the Brits sold out Tecumseh and the Indians. Pretty much everything else (oh yeah, there was also the Brit impression of US sailors that was halted) didn't change much.
But no matter what history you read or how it is interpreted, this documentary brings to life a whole lot of action that we never heard much about. It was extremely well-researched and probably did about as good a job as possible in capturing the essence of the era in this area.