Not exactly. But the Teachers' Union of Ireland has unanimously passed a motion urging their members not to work with scholars who have Israeli affiliation. And that includes EclectEcon. From Engage:
A motion, calling for all members of the union to end work with Israeli counterparts, was passed unanimously at the TUI annual conference in Galway on Thursday.
The union called on the Irish Congress of Trade Unions to increase its campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions against “the apartheid state of Israel until it lifts its illegal siege of Gaza and its illegal occupation of the West Bank”.
The passed motion requests TUI members to “cease all cultural and academic collaboration with Israel, including the exchange of scientists, students and academic personalities, as well as all cooperation in research programmes”.
The motion doesn’t bother to maintain the fiction of the “institutional boycott”. This is a boycott of scholars and students on the basis of their nationality. This is a boycott of a significant proportion of the world’s Jewish academics and students for reasons which are nothing to do with anything that those academics have said or done. Nobody but Israelis are to be boycotted.
This is disgusting, outrageous, an affront to academic freedom, and anti-semitic. They do not go after China for its occupation of Tibet; they do not go after North Korea for its human rights violations; they do not go after Saudi Arabia and its neighbours for their treatment of women; etc., etc. Nor do they go after scholars from those countries.
Instead they single out Israel, a democracy, a country which has had to fight three wars to ensure its existence - a country which must continue to take measures to protect itself from formal declarations that they should be annihilated. And what is more, they go after scholars affiliated with Israel.
Long-time readers of EclectEcon will know my position. I am so upset by such views and single-country stances, that quite a few years ago I sought and obtained affiliation with two different Israeli academic institutions: Haifa and Bar-Ilan. As my email signature reads,
Member, Int'l Advisory Board for Academic Freedom, Bar-Ilan Univ
Affiliated Professor, University of Haifa