In my previous post, I opined that "Size is important".
It is. I like having a bigger screen for my smartphone than is offered by Apple. The Note2 by Samsung is as large as I might want, though. It is not too big for most of my shirt pockets, but it is perhaps a bit too big to hold for long periods for reading or for taking self-portraits using the screen-side camera.
Given these considerations, I would probably NOT be interested in this larger Samsung "Mega 6.3" [h/t MA]. I would love the larger screen, but that size might be too big for my shirt pockets (MA says I should buy shirts with bigger pockets then; in fact if I wore only cargo pants or sportcoats, a phone that big might not be a problem.).
At the same time, keeping in mind the sizes of some of the early cellphones that many of us used back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, I see nothing wrong with using a phone that is larger. My Note2 is considerably smaller than my early Sony phone or any of the early Motorola phones. A current phone is large? That means the screen is more readable and easier to use.