MA and I have been corresponding lately about health care in Britain, the US, and Canada. I had thought the Brit system might be acceptable to the extent that it allowed private insurers to operate and people could opt to pay more to use private facilities. Apparently it doesn't really work that way. What's more, the NHS, with increasing amounts of gubmnt money being thrown at it, is delivering worse and worse healthcare.
Here is just one article that MA sent.
The article concludes with a powerfully libertarian message:A report published yesterday by Sir Bruce Keogh, the medical director of NHS England, delivered damning verdicts on the standards of care and mortality rates of 14 NHS trusts, 11 of which were so bad they are being put into special measures. ...
But the real lesson of the Keogh report is that the NHS is too important to be entrusted to politicians, or their stooges.
Also see this and this. The latter piece highlights some horribly unethical, I'd say criminal, mistreatment of very sick patients, leading to their premature deaths. I wrote about it here.
[Let me add, however, that the emergency health care I received in Eastbourne a few years ago was spectacularly good.]