I read a LOT. But most of what I read is news, opinion, essays, blogs, etc., all on the internet. I must spend at least a couple of hours each day reading things I come across or that have been sent to me by Jack, John, or Jonathan. I also spend quite a bit of time reading economics articles and blogs. And, I confess, I spend a fair amount of time on Facebook (that counts as reading, doesn't it?)
Other than the internet, I read a few ebooks now and then. Fiction. Generally spy or mystery novels. Maybe 20-30/year.
I don't like "great literature". I try to read it and find it boring. Maybe it's "great writing" or "great literature", but it puts me to sleep.
So here's my plan: I'm going to start trying to read the Wikipaedia summaries of the great literature that I cannot bring myself to read. Maybe this would be a good start: a list of short famous novels or novellas [ht Patsy]. Maybe I'll even finish a couple of the Wikipaedia entries.
So on the weekend I read the Wikipaedia entry for Camus' The Stranger. I actually read that book over 50 years ago, but I must say I had no idea then what that book was about. But back then, I wouldn't have understood the Coles Notes version either.
It looks as if this is plan might be okay.
Update: MA sent me this link to lists of books that I might consider working my way through.