We need to stop relying on politicians and gubmnts to create jobs. Interestingly, my Facebook friends from both the left and the right clicked on "like" when I posted this meme. I think my leftish friends in Ontario especially liked it because the leader of the conservative party here has promised to create a million jobs if he is elected. My rightish friends liked it because they(we) agree that the best thing the gubmnt can do is create an environment that gets out of the way of private entrepreneurs and that encourages innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth.
Yes, gubmnts can create some jobs. We saw it in the US in the depression, we saw it during WWII as military jobs were created. But for the long run, the best thing a gubmnt can do is create environments that encourage businesses. These environments do NOT involve corporate handouts or subsidies, for those policies depend on gubmnt deficits or taxes. Instead, the more successful environments are those that cut the red tape and reduce bureaucracy.
Many of my more leftish friends feared the worst when Thatcher and Reagan were elected, but those leaders had the right idea.... and in the end, they implemented policies that promoted growth and hence job creation. They didn't create jobs directly; instead, they tried to implement policies that would be conducive to job creation in the private sector.