We received about 2-3 inches of snow last night, with very little wind. Also, the temperatures were only a few degrees below zero. It looked like a perfect day to go out to the lawn in front of our condo building and do my biggest ever creation of snow stomp art.
Before I began, I had in mind some random paisley patterns with psychedelic swirling in the background. This would be my first go at non-representational snow stomp art, and I was keen to see what would emerge. [For some of my earlier work, see this, this, this, this, and this,
Things got off to a good start. Ms Eclectic took some photos of my early progress:
As you can see, I used snowshoes for this project. They added to the texture, something I was looking for (vs using snow boots, as I had generally used in previous creations). Snowshoes are more difficult to work with in many ways, but they add enough to make the workout worthwhile.
I doubt the paisley patterns would have looked the way I wanted if I had been in just my snowboots.
Here you get a sense of the paisley patterns and swirling fill effect for which I was striving:
The side steps were grueling. A great workout!
Above and below you get a better sense of what I hoped to create.
Putting some final touches in before breaking for lunch:
When we returned from lunch, the wind had picked up seriously. I was nearly in tears as I strove to complete the project before the wind destroyed it all. Here are some photos, but it is clear the project just didn't make it. I was freakn devastated.