For a good time, listen to radio AM980 from London at 1pm today. Here is the link to their netcast.
- In one corner we have David Suzuki, arrogant non-scientist elitist interventionist who wants to control our lives and who proclaims gloom and doom while living high off the taxpayer hog and preaching about consumerism. He was in town to take part in a "Stop Harper" movement.
- In the other corner we have radio talk-show host, Andrew Lawton. Andrew is right-wing. Not libertarian enough to suit me, and with tendencies toward social conservatism, which can be just as controlling-interventionist as the left. But Andrew is knowledgeable and smart.
I gather there were some interesting confrontations during the interview Lawton conducted with Suzuki. It was supposed be a press conference but only Andrew showed up!! ;-)
What if they gave a press conference and nobody came?
[disclaimer: I have known Andrew, though we are not close friends, for several years.]