The current US election presents voters with two major candidates, neither of whom is even slightly desirable as a President of the US.
And so voters are faced with a difficult choice between two evils. In some respects, this choice might be viewed by some as Morton's Fork, but really the voters are caught between the horns of dilemma.
If I were still voting in the US, I'd reject the choice. I'd reject the dilemma as false. I'd vote for Gary Johnson. I think I'd like him as a president. And to all his detractors, I know I would prefer him to the other options.
For reference, from Wikipaedia,
A Hobson's choice [EE: only one option is offered] is different from:
- Dilemma: a choice between two or more options, none of which is attractive.
- False dilemma: only two choices are considered, when in fact there are others.
- Catch-22: a logical paradox arising from a situation in which an individual needs something that can only be acquired by not being in that very situation.
- Morton's fork, and a double bind: choices yield equivalent, and often undesirable, results.
- Blackmail and extortion: the choice between paying money (or some non-monetary good or deed) or risk suffering an unpleasant action.