A wild guess for Ontario, though it seems roughly correct for other jurisdictions:
Restaurants and pubs will be allowed to open just before the May 2-4 weekend* but camping in provincial parks won't open until just before or just after July 1.
Why? The caseloads in countries that are well-along seem to be declining slightly and can likely be expected to decline more over time. Also, physical distancing seems to be slowing the spread.
We won't be over the pandemic by then, but the politicos will say things like,
"Don't go out if you even think you might have symptoms."
"Be careful, wash your hands and wipe down surfaces frequently."
"But we have to be mindful of all the poor businesses and their employees, too."
"Businesses are strongly encouraged to limit the number of people in their pubs and restaurants" (as if we won't do that ourselves anyway).
The traditional Victoria Day fireworks will be cancelled. Large, dense gatherings will still be banned until just before July 1, when the fireworks will proceed, but with dire cautions about physical distancing.
* The May 2-4 weekend was originally a national holiday to celebrate the birthday of Queen Victoria. When I moved to Canada, it was called "Victoria Day" (who knows, maybe it still is, officially). But sometime after I moved here, it was moved to the somethingth Monday of May. People started calling it the May 2-4 Weekend because it occurs around May 24th and because some people consume lots of beer from cases, affectionately known as 2-4s here.